IQF guava and organic guava purees are truly some of our most versatile products. If you can dream up a guava ingredient, we can supply it.
The yellow-white guava from Mexico is available in both conventional or organic forms. Our organic guava suppliers offer IQF whole or diced guava, fresh frozen to your exacting specifications. Our organic guava purees can be processed with or without seeds, and be heat treated or pasteurized to the highest food safety standards.
We also offer guava juice, as both single strength and concentrated. Our organic guava purees are perfect for frozen treats, smoothies, yogurts, or fruit bases. Guava puree is low calorie and high in vitamin C. IQF guava is often used for pastries, cakes, jellies, jams, marmalades, sauces, and syrups.
Organic guava has a sweet taste with tropical notes of pineapple and passion fruit. Guava is an authentic Hispanic flavor profile more and more consumers crave. Our conventional and organic guava suppliers have:
- IQF Whole Guava
- IQF Guava Pieces
- IQF Diced Guava
- Straight Pack
- Guava Purees
- Heat Treated or Pasteurized
- Aseptic puree, juice, or concentrate
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A robust FSVP in place.
At Del Carmen Foods, we ensure the ingredients supplied to our customers are grown, harvested, packed, processed, and handled in a manner compliant with FDA / FSMA / FSVP rules for products sourced outside of the United States.
As the Importer of Record, we have an experienced, trained, and qualified individual working full time in our Mexico office, where most of our supplier facilities are located.